Thursday 12 February 2009

The 'Heated' Towel Rail

The heated towel rail in our bathroom stands as an affront to masculinity. You can bleed it, you can twist valves and/or suck air in through your teeth all you like - it will not be fixed; that it should be so is a source of endless frustration to male visitors. I'm of the opinion that it hasn't been plumbed in correctly and isn't worth the hassle, especially as I've got the quick sprint out of the shower, grabbing the towel and the legging it to warmer climes down to a 't'. This includes strategically placed mats so I don't slip and break a hip.
My flatmate and I aren't inept or otherwise incapable of basic DIY (despite failing to notice all the radiators in the flat needed bleeding, and yes it was rather chilly). We do however know a lost cause when we see one. The frozen implacability of the towel rail will not be compromised. And what doesn't cause hypothermia can only make you stronger.....

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