Monday 26 January 2009

Exams..... that's why we pay the money, spend the time and get the degree....

As a professional student I've discovered more ways of procrastinating than you can shake a stick at; assuming of course you go on the hunt for a suitable tree, break one of its branches, whittle the said branch into a nice smooth shaking stick, varnish it, find some stick shaking music (I'd currently recommend a slight return to the Bluetoned brit-pop jollity, but then I'm trying to revise so I'm not listening to that much newness)....
Finally, when all this is done - you can shake your stick! Or alternatively you can open that book up and learn stupid political acronyms and jargon until your face swells up. Seriously, this seems to have happened: my right eye is looking distinctly puffy and has left me feeling a kinship with the Phantom of the Opera.
Here's today's procrastination device of choice: and this sort of thing is what it does:
Now, all I need is a theatre, opera house or a seaside Punch and Judy booth to haunt.....

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