Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Deadlines Loom Like Fogbound Cows.

Ah, the Easter 'holiday'. At first the days lose meaning because there are so many of them to come and it's sunny, there are friends to visit; then the realisation of finishing the dissertation hits you like a brick made of cow pats. You find yourself waking up at four in the morning clutching your chest, seeing words fly around the inside of your eyelids and every now and again when in normal conversation with someone who actually has a real life, you find yourself drifting off into your own world of re-phrasing, and the panic of re-drafting hits. If you type it, it will be done.
Much wine will soon be spilled in merriment, but before that happens here's a few non-holiday songs ...

1 comment:

world of sian said...

I remember the feeling all to well, the best of luck to you.